BlessedGirl Youth Empowerment and Leadership Academy

BlessedGirl Youth Empowerment and Leadership Academy provides educational enrichment activities and mentoring programs designed to develop leadership skills in children considered “at risk” youth. BGA provides girls with the skills necessary to outline a life pathway that includes self-sufficiency through entrepreneurship. In order to overcome any real or perceived learning gaps all BGA activities are designed to be integrated into an existing academic environment with the cooperation of school administrators, educators, community service organizations and other professionals while supporting the academic coals of your local schools. BGA provides students with a stronger life, educational skills that will carry them forward with the ability to conquer whatever challenges they may face in life.  

We offer Adaptable 4 Impactful Programs:

  1. BlessedGirls Youth Empowerment & Leadership Training 

  2. BlessedGirls Entrepreneur’s Academy

  3. BlessedGirls 4C’s Program

  4. BlessedGirls Train The Trainer Adult Leadership Program

BGA provides development, education, opportunity and dialogue on The 4 C’s: Civility, Community, Creativity, and Climate Change. BG understands a girl’s ability to contribute and mitigate effects of climate change & natural disasters. The 4 C’s Philosophy creates unity between people of all ages.  When used appropriately will bridge that gap between generations, cultures and continents. The 4 C’s Training, Platform, Book creates a space for great minds to collaborate, explore, and expand minds. Civility is the foundation of democracy. We speak about civility. It’s time to listen and live civility. 4 C’s Create a Better Tomorrow!

The BG Leadership & Entrepreneur’s Academy is a 12-Module Workbook is a priceless tool for any young girl that will address her personal development and inner resolve. This workbook includes informational text relating to prominent women, with the opportunities for readers to self-assess and self-reflect.

The Blessed Girls Workbook is designed to encourage young ladies to develop into the poised,

assured “Gems” they were designed to be, with a “price far above rubies” that will lead them to

be admired for their fine qualities.

BGA is a resource that will assist so many girls as they blossom into the jewels they were destined to be. 

One of the goals is to focus on the strong values of faith, virtue and ethical principles that women throughout history have used to emerge triumphantly when faced with adversity. 

BGA provides examples of courageous women from around the world, readers will gain a global perspective of the strength and perseverance that women have displayed since the beginning of time.

BGA will reinforce the resilience within young girls that can propel them to higher levels of accomplishment.

Girls are the future. 

Girls are powerful leaders.

Educated girls positively affect their village, city and a country. 

Let’s explore how our various programs can assist you in reaching your goals to move your youth forward and become the leaders of tomorrow.