BLESSEDGIRL will provide educational enrichment activities and mentoring programs designed to develop leadership skills in children from low-income families and at-risk youth, grades K-12. The proposed enrichment and mentoring activities will be scheduled after-school, on Saturday and during the usual school summer vacation period. BG activities will integrate seamlessly into their current school environment. The initial target population and program emphasis will be on Middle School and High School girls, ages 12 through 18. Participation in BLESSEDGIRL enrichment and mentoring activities will provide our students with stronger life, educational and job skills that will carry them forward with the ability to conquer whatever challenges they may face in life.
Our after-school augmenting educational activities will include, but are limited to, reading comprehension, writing skills, homework assistance, SAT preparation and computer training. In order to overcome any real or perceived learning gaps, all BLESSEDGIRL activities are designed to be integrated into an existing academic environment with the cooperation of school administrators, educators, community service organizations and other professionals who may assist BLESSEDGIRL in designing and implementing a specific project plan while establishing an educationally nurturing relationship with participating students. BLESSEDGIRL will also support and augment the academic goals of our local schools while building student skills and self-confidence.
Our dedicated BLESSEDGIRL staff will use an intake and screening process to identify educational and skill needs in order to establish productive one-on-one relationships with the student participants. BLESSEDGIRL activities will also assist these students in resolving social issues. Assigned mentors will offer personal counsel on how they can achieve success and provide strategies that the students can use to overcome obstacles that they may face along their leadership journey. BLESSEDGIRL programs will run for entire school year and summer programs are also planned to support the development of critical thinking skills, project planning, time management, communication skills, problem solving, teaming, and social and professional etiquette. There will also be an emphasis on technology and the arts to complete specific tasks, as well as appropriate school-related service projects that can be developed accordingly.
The long range future plan is for BLESSEDGIRL to implement this leadership training program on a state-wide and then nation-wide basis through collaboration with school districts and various social service agencies throughout the United States. BLESSEDGIRL staff will maintain a philosophy of personal empowerment through internal and external educational resources. Consistent with its core policy of non-discrimination and non-abandonment of those in need, BLESSEDGIRL staff will provide their leadership training and educational activities to all youth in need, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or ability to pay. By providing these educational and leadership training services, participating students will be empowered with the requisite skills and abilities to truly lead productive lives. Professionals from partnering agencies will also assist in the needs assessment of the at-risk youth while engaging and developing a trusting relationship. BLESSEDGIRL believes that this proactive approach is a prerequisite to providing appropriate educational assistance and leadership training to at-risk youth.
BLESSEDGIRL’s immediate goals are to initially provide the following services and activities in East Brunswick, New Brunswick and North Brunswick, New Jersey:
Initial intake testing and assessment of low-income and at-risk girls in a safe and comfortable educational environment for up to 100 students, grades 6-12.
- Leadership training and skills
- Age and grade appropriate education enrichment activities
- Financial literacy
- Communication skills and techniques
- Career guidance
- Mentoring
- Business and social etiquette
It is BLESSEDGIRL’s long range goal, in partnership with other agencies and organizations, to provide all of the above-referenced services throughout Middlesex County, then throughout New Jersey and someday across the country: As BLESSEDGIRL expands, additional activities will also include:
- Independent Living Skills Assessments
- Self-discovery assessments
- Ongoing professional mentor support
- A business and professional network and other relevant types of support mechanisms
- Continuing education series
- BLESSEDGIRL newsletter